
Business Information Management

Knowledge is power, the most expensive asset a Company owns is not the staff, not machinery, not property but the data it has accumulated over the years dealing with clients, fulfilling orders, experience in the marketplace, but how quickly can you retrieve data to make an informed business decision ? an hour ? a day ?? a week ??? the Titanic couldnt react quick enough to a problem it faced can your Business ?

Business moves so quickly nowadays, is your Company information keeping pace ? Seer Computing can help you 'tune' your data to provide you with information at your fingertips, freeing you to concentrate on the decision rather than the obtaining of the details.

Our Consultants specialise in focussing Companies to obtaining 'Business Aware Data', concentrating on bringing together all aspects of a Company's data, we can analyse your current position and recommend the way forward. This can range from a sanitization of your Information production to creating a Data Warehousing/Data Mart system to speed up the Information retrieval.

Seer Computing can help you focus your data on what really matters, the bottom line, whether it is for the financial health of the Company or producing summary figures for trading. Only you can run your Business but we can help you find out how your Business is running.

How does your data shape up ?

If you can answer yes to any of these questions then its time to call in Seer Computing !

1. The Information we require is never produced quick enough
2. We store Data from years of trading, just in case we might need it
3. We have Data on more than one system which slows down the gathering of Information
4. We store Data in more than one format
5. The Information provided differs each time the Reports are run
6. Information is taking longer and longer to produce
7. Changes to the Information structure takes days or weeks to achieve
8. The Information provided never fully satisfies our request
9. We need a quicker way of obtaining Information

What's the difference between Information and Data?

Data is the raw single record values for each transaction your Business undertakes, whether it be a purchase, a sale, a Client or Staff record. Information is the correlation of this Data into a summerisation to aid important Business Decisions.

Seer Computing can steer your Company to the correct approach to your Data Strategy, guiding you to the best possible use of that all important data.

Ask us along to present to you our view on how to improve your Business Information.

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