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Welcome to Seer Computing - IT Services for IT Professionals.

Seer Computing Ltd has existed since 2000, so in 2025 we celebrate 25 years in business, that's Silver in marriage terms, if we can get to Gold we'll be very happy.

Seer Computing offer the following IT services; Project Management, App Construction, Consultancy, Data and Database design, Technical Authoring and of course high end IT Training Courses, we are your one stop shop for your technology needs.

Seer Computing is based in the UK, therefore we serve clients from Aberdeen to Penzance, from Belfast to Cork and Dover to Anglesey, we cover the whole of UK and Ireland including the Channel Islands, Isle of Man and of course the Shetlands, with occasional sojourns into Europe.

One of Seer Computing's unique service is that we can provide on-site training without compromising a site's system. Whatever the course we are performing the Consultant brings every piece of equipment from the Server to the individual workstations, we never use your Network, Wi-Fi or Database, all we need is your electricity !.

Our technical consultancy facilities including Database design, Project Management options and our bespoke App design and development for both Android and iOS. We are not just Oracle people, Seer Computing involves itself with all aspects of Commercial IT systems, we analyse, design, program, test, train and project manage.

A lot of clients ask us why we are called 'Seer Computing', the answer is quite simple, when we were first incorporated in 2000 we originally began as an Oracle Consultancy, providing a number of different aspects to that Database, Consultancy, Project Management, Database Analysis and Business Information consultancy and of course Oracle training, we couldn’t call ourselves 'Oracle', that name was already taken! But we could call ourselves ' Seer' which is a synonym of 'Oracle', in other words someone possessing wisdom, insight, a wise person, a prophet, an Oracle, and we believe that’s a fair summation of our skills in the Oracle products, we haven’t lasted this long without knowing a thing or two!!

All webpages have our contact details together with appropriate enquiry forms which ask relevant questions for the page you are on, there is of course the obligatory contact page plus information about privacy etc.. There are over 170 training courses from PHP, SQL to Java, plus details of our Consultancy services, click on the menu at the top of the screen.

Each webpage will have a banner which is relevant to the page, this is a customised enquiry form, there are different ones for training pages, consultancy etc, there is one directly below this sentence and will collect information we need in order to assist you in your enquiry

Training EnquiryClick to send us a enquiry about our training courses

Another banner you will come across are our internal advertising banners, they are short-cuts to other web-pages on our site, in some cases they will take you to the latest version of a training course you are currently viewing, in other cases they are displaying other services we can provide, this advert below gives a list of 7 of the 170+ courses we give, click on the bottom row to show the course image in the main window and click on the main window to go to that course page ...

Project Managers, App Builders, Database Designers, IT Trainers and Consultants

Read what our Customers think of our training courses ...

"Seer Computing have been a pleasure to work with and the training provided was excellent. I spoke to everyone that attended the training sessions, and all of the feedback was extremely positive. We were a mixed group with different levels of experience and everyone got what they wanted from the course ....

Click to go to examples of our Customer reviews
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Android and iPhone apps ...
Click on whichever one of our Apps you are interested in
Essential Python 3 Click to go to the Essential Python 3 course details

Let's start with the IT technical training courses, there are over 170 to choose from, they range from User level courses such as SQL Developer up to Programmer level courses like Java programming, each course has its own webpage for you to view its details, we've categorised our sitemap to make the training courses easier to navigate.

Even though this is quite a large website we pride ourselves on the simplicity of its layout, this is particularly true when it comes to the details for each of the 170 plus training courses we can provide.

Each course is firstly broken down into the specific facts about it, duration, number of exercises, knowledge level needed for attendance also whether the course is available as a public scheduled course, all courses we provide are available on-site, at our offices in Swansea and as a course scheduled close to your location (at your request).

Then there follows a series of pull-down sections with further customised information for each course, the first pull-down contains three pdfs, the index of the course, a sample exercise page and sample slides from the actual course presentation.

When you request a quotation from one of our training advisers a copy of the training course index will be sent as well as the pricing matrix requested plus a copy of our terms and conditions. Each quotation provided is complete, there are no hidden extras unless the vat rate changes or your requirements are amended, in which case we will provide an up to date quotation at any time. We guarantee our quotations for six months from the day of issue.

The second pull-down is the content highlights, here we outline the key points of the course, it's just a short outline for you to confirm that it it’s the correct course you are looking for.

Again the third pull-down are the exercise highlights, we give you a brief idea of what the Delegates will get to practice during the duration of the course.

Then we have the Index pull-down, this will give you a searchable list of the page headings, in some cases where we have courses which are 'Essential' or 'Advanced' they contain totally different aspects of the subject matter, what we have done in the past is to be flexible that our clients can 'pick and mix' the topics, maybe have the 'Essential' course with added topics from the 'Advanced', this you can discuss with one of our Training Advisers, they will be happy to give you a series of different scenarios to help you make your decision.

The final pull-down is the Course Synopsis, here we tell you a few things about the actual course, discuss who is best to be placed on it explain how we work and the benefits of booking the course with Seer Computing. Basically when we perform on-site training we come with all the necessary equipment, we don’t need to use yours, just your tables and chairs. We can explain this before you book but once you do we look after the training completely, agreeing times and location, numbers and of course any customisations you might want

Each course page has a banner at the top, this is click-able and will either take you to the most up to date version of the course, to another version of the course or to the page for a list of dates scheduled for a particular location which you select.

In addition there will be another banner to take you to a pro-forma for the course enquiry, this asks for some of the details we will need to give you an accurate quotation, such as the number of Delegates you have, location and of course your contact details, you can always just email us at

All of our courses come with exceptionally comprehensive training manuals, they are for each Delegate to keep and make notes in, they all have example workings and where appropriate, screen shots, these training course manuals form an invaluable aid as a reference book following the course, they are printed on 120 gsm paper and are made to survive both the course and being used for months and indeed years following the training, our Consultants report seeing them on people's desks well after they have attended the course (the pens we also supply for the course may have run out in a few instances but people keep them because they incorporate a torch, although most take them home for their kids!!).

Are you eligible for a UK Government grant to re-train ?

React Logo If you have been made redundant recently you may qualify for a grant to retrain
Training EnquiryClick to send us a enquiry about our training courses

On-Site training - Have wheels will travel ...

We have completely portable training labs which we can set up in less than an hour of arriving at your site.

Each delegate gets an individual machine linked to our network, we don't use any of your equipment or your wi-fi, we are totally independent and outside your firewalls

On-site will make sense to your Company if you have more than one delegate for the training, if you have staff who might be needed during the day in the office or if the travelling costs are prohibitive to send a lot of delegates to one of our public courses.

1 / 5
On-site training. Your venue, your start date
2 / 5
On-site training. The Consultant arrives at 8.15am.
3 / 5
On-site training. The Laptops and Manuals are positioned on the table.
4 / 5
On-site training. The Laptops are networked together.
5 / 5
On-site training. 9am the training is ready to begin
On-site training. Your venue, your start date
On-site training. The Consultant arrives at 8.15am.
On-site training. The Laptops and Manuals are positioned on the table.
On-site training. The Laptops are networked together.
On-site training. 9am the training is ready to begin

All hundred and fifty plus of our technical IT training courses are available on-site, that means we come to your premises, you provide a suitable room for your delegates to work comfortably in, sufficient tables and chairs etc., we are unique in that we do not need to use your network or any of your systems (not even your Database), we bring all of the equipment necessary to give you a first class training experience. Each Delegate gets a Dell workstation for them to use individually for the duration of the training course, if necessary and at your request, Delegates can work together.

One major advantage of on-site training is that you pick the start dates and times, coordinating the various needs of your Delegates can be like juggling eggs with boxing gloves, having the freedom to pick when the training takes place removes one headache, another advantage might be the personal commitments of staff, again we are very flexible with our "at your venue training", you can specify what time we begin the training to accommodate family needs, appointments etc. and as long as we can still fit the course in, you can also specify finish times, in fact we are so flexible we can train on weekends and even at the end of work shifts (talk to our friendly sales people to discuss).

One of the main advantages of on-site IT training is that your Delegates will not be incurring any travelling or overnight subsistence claims, when we quote you for training you will find that not only are our charges quite reasonable but they are also inclusive of any expenses we incur providing the course, no hidden extras, no expensive hotel and travelling charges on top of our quotation, what we quote is what we charge. Full stop, period.

For convenience we have listed the categories of our courses for you to compare them side by side, well actually up and down but you get the gist, there's a comparison of our Oracle SQL courses, our PLSQL courses are listed, as well as MySQL course breakdowns, PHP versions etc..

1 / 13
Courses in Belfast
2 / 13
Courses in Birmingham
3 / 13
Courses in Bristol
4 / 13
Courses in Cardiff
5 / 13
Courses in Carlisle
6 / 13
Courses in Cork
7 / 13
Courses in Dublin
8 / 13
Courses in Edinburgh
9 / 13
Courses in Leeds
10 / 13
Courses in London
11 / 13
Courses in Manchester
12 / 13
Courses in Newcastle
13 / 13
Courses in Swansea
Courses in Belfast
Courses in Birmingham
Courses in Bristol
Courses in Cardiff
Courses in Carlisle
Courses in Cork
Courses in Dublin
Courses in Edinburgh
Courses in Leeds
Courses in London
Courses in Manchester
Courses in Newcastle
Courses in Swansea

Our public training courses take place in all major cities across the UK, Ireland and Europe, from London to Edinburgh, Birmingham to Dublin.

The courses are limited to a maximum class number of six to get the most out of each session. If you'd like to find out more about our Public training courses, click here.

As well as onsite, all of our IT training course can be scheduled at venues close to your offices, sometimes you don’t have the space, we arrange the venue etc. again relieving you of the hassle. Of course you and your Delegates can come to our offices in Swansea, so close to the Mumbles, the number one place to live in the UK 2019 according to The Times newspaper … why do you think we live here! One of the advantages in coming to our offices is that we will introduce you to the Swansea evening life, you can sample Joes Ice Cream and we will treat you mid-course to a curry in one of the many restaurants on St Helen's Road, just a five minute walk from our offices, we won't encourage you to sample the local ales (much) you have to have clear heads for the course.

A number of our courses are also available at a variety of public conference centres throughout the UK and Ireland at set dates in the year, these range from the capital of the UK, London, the capital of Wales, Cardiff, the capital of Scotland, Edinburgh and the capital of Ireland, Dublin, there are other public training sites and they all have one thing in common; they are all held in conference facilities close to transport links, there is plenty of refreshments throughout the day and lunch is provided, course numbers are kept to six which means you don’t have to shout across a large room over fifteen other delegates to ask a question. Our public courses mean that if it is only you attending that you can get high quality IT training with us without having to travel too far to get it, check out the Public training course locations and we list the training and the dates coming up. As an aside we can also provide one to one training if you need to learn a language quickly and wish to have 100% attention from one of our Training Consultants.

Every one of our 170+ training courses are available as one on one mentoring courses, same quality course, same service and we'll even come to your place of work or in a nearby training location. Ask us for further details

One of the other services we provide is our Data consultancy, this can be anything from an overview of your current Database producing a comprehensive report and recommendations, we can analyse your future requirements and also build your new Database for you, if you have time we have morphed our ideas into a cartoon character called DataDog, he's just a way to visual the problems you can have with Data and how Seer Computing can help you. We also operate a technique called Data Coaching, this is about intense sessions with your analysts to tear down the weaknesses of your current Data storage and to build strong healthy Databases in return.

One of the things we noticed when we are presenting our IT courses is that our reference Appendices are used quite a bit during the exercises. Our Course Appendices are very comprehensive but they can't be searched and there isn’t really any room for working examples, so we began designing Apps to help everyone in a particular language to understand what's available in the product, so for example we have published an Oracle SQL functions App in both Android and iOS, there's also an app for PHP functions and another App for MySQL functions, but we got a little carried away, not only are each functions listed but we break down what each Function does with working examples, plus because we know where the problem areas are, for example, we also give date format examples etc … don’t think of them as a replacement to our training courses, more like a supplement for when you are working in Oracle SQL, PHP or Java etc.. If you have a programming language or need to create a reference App get in touch.

Advert for Apps Click to send us a message about the App you need building

We've been offering bespoke App Development for a number of years now, sometimes we promote the App such as Ana Chidzoy's A-Z of Yoga, sometimes we keep discreet and we simply build the App for a Company for them to promote, we have several in the pipeline including a rollout of our PAPA template which is effectively a way to publish via an App, it’s a magazine App, it’s a newspaper App, it’s a periodical App and with our facilities we can customize it to a Company's or an Organisation's requirements. We're thinking of setting up App training courses in Xcode and Android, speak to us if you want to register an interest. Don’t forget that a lot of Android Apps are created using the Java language and we can already provide training in Java 11, in fact our association with Java goes back to well before Oracle purchased Java from Sun, we particularly like using Java Swing to interface with Oracle and MySQL databases, guess what, Oracle own MySQL now as well! We have listed all of our Java courses for you to compare Java training.

Advert for Apps Click to read our thoughts on developing Smartphone and Tablet Apps

Talk to us if you have an App idea but don’t have the skills to turn your idea into an App reality, we have a number of ways of working with you, you can of course simply pay us to build the App but we can also talk about an App collaboration, sometimes it's good to have different input from different areas, and it doesn’t have to be a Uber App or something that big, many successful Apps are niche market but of use to a lot of people, we could build a Uber App by the way (just saying). If you are wondering what it takes to build an App we have a nice webpage breaking down some of the areas that need attention.

Commercial App development in the UK Read our breakdown of App Development, Commercial Apps a speciality

With over thirty years in the IT business, our Senior Consultants are well positioned to Project manage your IT systems, this can range from an occasional overview to running a Project on a contract basis, this gives you flexible Project Management when you need it most, no job too small, no Project too large, think of us as Project firefighters when it gets out of control for your people.

We believe one of the major factors in successful Project Management is communication, our Project Managers have excellent people skills, able to work with Senior stakeholders right through to the Developers, in fact one of our number is a former Radio Two presenter, long time ago, but he still likes talking and meeting people (and he never lets us forget his fifteen minutes of fame !).

Decisive people make the best Project Managers, those that can listen, understand and make decisions quickly and be focussed on the end result, not dither about until the situation dictates the decision.

Contract Project Managers have no agendas other than to get the job done and signed off, our people will come in, take the bull by the horns and sort out any problems your Project is facing, we can charge by the day so we only come in when you need us. Click on the banner above to read more.

Whether paying for Database Consultancy, Project Management or a Training Course, we can accept payment by cheque, BACS or credit card (credit card payment is subject to a 4% surcharge).

All quotations given will be in either Euro or Sterling depending on your location, and will be honoured for six months from the date of sending, all prices given are inclusive of all costs incurred by Seer Computing but exclusive of UK vat of 20%.

Advert for Apps Click to read more above our Papers and Periodicals App